I've Registered My Child For A Pre-K Membership. What Do I do Next?



Once you register your child for a Pre-K Membership, you have to activate it before it becomes valid. To activate, visit Newport Aquarium in person by Friday, March 8, 2024. Visit any ticket window and provide your Pre-K Membership voucher along with proof of your child’s age.

Valid Proof of Age Documents* Include

  • Original or copy of a birth certificate
  • Passport
  • Adoption papers
  • Green card

* To qualify, your child must be age 4 or under at the time of activation and proof of age must be provided. Physical and digital copies of original documents are valid but must be legible.

Upon activation, Pre-K Members will receive their own Pre-K Membership card with photo.


Once activated, your Pre-K kiddo will have instant, unlimited visits to Newport Aquarium all year-long! Pre-K Memberships are valid for one year from your in-person activation date.

NOTE FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: General Admission tickets or Membership are required for all guests accompanying Pre-K Members. A parent or guardian must accompany children at all times while in Newport Aquarium.


Parents, Don't Miss Out!

Sea, Touch & Explore with your child and be there for every new discovery so you can make those memories that will last a lifetime. Become a Member too so you can experience what’s NEW for Newport Aquarium’s 25th Anniversary Year TOGETHER! Get your Membership today and enjoy great benefits like free parking, extra discounts and more!

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